
March 2024

There’s No Place Like Home

Read from Under Her Eye: Women in Horror Poetry Showcase, Vol. II with Black Spot Books for the Read for Pixels Campaign.  The Pixel Project is a global non-profit organization whose mission is to raise awareness to end violence against women.

April 2023

Forever Forests

9:15 minutes into the video.

October 2023


Killer Verses: A night of literary terror production. Delta Literary Arts Society (DLAS).

August 2020

Childish Things

Read from Volume II: House of Usher for the Love Letters to Poe: Tales Torn from the Heart Launch Party, hosted by The 6 Degrees of Edgar Allan Poe.

August 2020

Thief of Eternal Delights

Read from Volume 1: A Toast to Edgar Allan Poe with Romancing the Gothic for their Gothic Day of Creation Author Showcase.