Living in a Doctor Desert

Renee Cronley

More than one in five Canadian adults (6.5 million people) do not have a family doctor. 
Family doctors are essentially the gatekeepers to access the health care system.  They have our medical history, do our annual physical exams, send referrals to other specialists, follow up with us afterwards, and treat ongoing illnesses.   

About the author

Renee Cronley

She is a writer from Manitoba.  She studied psychology and English at Brandon University and nursing at Assiniboine Community College.  Having stepped away from nursing to prioritize her children, she has been channeling her knowledge and experiences into a poetry book about nursing burnout. 

Appeared on WCGtv to be interviewed on their “Between the Pages” segment

for placing first in the WMRL 2018 Poetry Contest for my poem “Brandon Hills”.

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